You do not fit a program.
A program fits YOU.
Our Rates: Many “obesity treatment” centers publish their rates while we cannot and here is why: YOU ARE UNIQUE. Your wellness plan is based upon your current state, where you want to be, your lifestyle habits, your schedule, and your demographics/psychographics/genes.
All of these factor into a program that fits YOU; not you fitting the program. However, what we can assure you is this: when you compare our rate to another comparable rate in the same market – we will, pound for pound, be the best value option!
We truly believe this is the main cause of why there are so many fad diets and programs that continue to fail and reinvent. It is because no one has made a program popular enough to suit an individual’s specific needs – until the HENDRICKS METHOD.
Weight Management Plans
Proven, fast and lasting patient results are the most important considerations when choosing a medical weight loss program. We offer two types of health packages for individuals and companions. Our package plans are competitively priced to keep you motivated and on track to reaching your goals. Let this be THE YEAR you achieve your resolution for a healthier you!
1 Other fees such as Prescription Medication, Food Products, Supplements, and Laboratory Testing are separate from Individual and Companion Plans.
2 Our Companion Plan requires all follow-up appointments to be scheduled and taken together with your companion, with appointment time splitting 50/50 for each person on the plan.
We Accept Many Forms of Payments
Our offices accept all forms of debit card, credit card, Apple Pay, mobile and cash payments.

We Accept Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA)
FSA/HSA cards with a VISA or Mastercard logo can be used on eligible out-of-pocket medical expenses like office visit fees and prescription medications. Check with your plan administrator to determine the specific requirements of your plan.

Do We Accept Insurance?
Medical insurance may help cover some of your weight loss fees.
For each office visit with us, we can provide you with a receipt from us detailing the charges for you to send into your insurance plan for potential reimbursement. If you are not sure, please call your carrier and ask.

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