Sharing a macaron from #gingerelizabeth with @paintplaybylynn @hendricksforhealth
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Day 51 – morning cup of good! @hendricksforhealth #paleo #nomnom #bariatrix #spinach
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We Debunked the Most Common Myth About Phentermine
We Debunked the Most Common Myth About Phentermine The International Journal of Obesity recently published the study by Dr. Hendricks et al., demonstrated there are no conclusive evidence long-term use of phentermine results in addiction. So why is this unfounded, unscientific belief so pervasive? Dr. Hendricks and team have coupled obesity treatment with proven medicine and sound advice on [...]
4 Tips for Sacramento/Roseville Residents to Reduce & Maintain Weight
We get overweight because it's easy. It's easy to reach for simple carbohydrates prepackaged for convenience instead of cooking a healthful meal. It's easy to say yes to office birthday cake, late night fast food cravings, and high sugar sodas. It's easy to stay planted to the couch because exercise is mundane or of the [...]
Coconut Oil: Nutritional Hero
Back in the early 1990s saturated fats became the demon of the nutritional world. In a frenzy of fear about cholesterol and clogged arteries, coconut oil became the poster child for all that was wrong with the American diet as food manufacturers jumped onto the low fat bandwagon replacing the all natural fat with chemical [...]