Off-label Drugs for Weight Management

For over 2 decades, Dr. Hendricks has consistently dedicated his time to staying current with new research findings.  Because of his research activities, with the help of our patients, he is widely regarded as an expert in his field by Bariatric Medicine specialists across the globe. On June 13, 2017, the Dovepress published, worldwide, Dr. [...]

We Debunked the Most Common Myth About Phentermine

We Debunked the Most Common Myth About Phentermine The International Journal of Obesity recently published the study by Dr. Hendricks et al., demonstrated there are no conclusive evidence long-term use of phentermine results in addiction. So why is this unfounded, unscientific belief so pervasive? Dr. Hendricks and team have coupled obesity treatment with proven medicine and sound advice on [...]

Granite Bay View Article Jan. 2013

Hendricks can help in fight to lose pounds.  Weight management clinic can be the coach in your corner! BY EILEEN WILSON A new year, another New Year’s resolution. Seems like most of us make reso- lutions that in some way, shape or form, involve our weight or the foods we eat. Some resolve to drop 10 pounds, [...]

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