Off-label Drugs for Weight Management

For over 2 decades, Dr. Hendricks has consistently dedicated his time to staying current with new research findings.  Because of his research activities, with the help of our patients, he is widely regarded as an expert in his field by Bariatric Medicine specialists across the globe. On June 13, 2017, the Dovepress published, worldwide, Dr. [...]

Nutrition Counseling

Want to maximize your weight loss, maintain your weight or simply learn about making better eating choices for your health and wellness? Our Certified Nutritionist will meet with you one-on-one to assess your current diet, recommendations for diet change, and provide meal planning to help you reach your nutrition goals. Cost: New Patient Nutrition Consult, [...]

Did You Know? by Paula Hendricks – Spring 2013

Portion control will greatly improve your chances for successful weight control. Everything is big in America: cars, houses, malls, grocery stores, packaging, purses, and food servings. And we want it big!  Look at the attached apple photo and notice the two normal-sized apples on the side of the large apple in the middle?  Americans have [...]

2020-01-10T18:27:14-08:00By |BLOG, FROM THE EXPERTS|

Are You Ready to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals? Take the Test and Find Out

Reaching goals, long-term weight control, and feeling good about yourself can be improved by learning about your personality traits. A test called, The Five Factor Model, can help you better understand your personality to create strategies to improve your chances for long-term success.  The test categorizes personality traits into "The Big Five factors:"  openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.  A [...]

Change Your Direction!

Did your diet take a wrong turn this holiday season? We know the holidays pose a tough challenge when you're trying to lose weight.  But a diet detour doesn't mean a weight loss disaster.  Ditch the guilt and return to what works - our program!   Steer yourself back on a healthier path.  Call us [...]

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