
Setbacks Derailments, and Stress – Are these factors affecting your weight loss efforts?

As most of our patients have experienced, following our diet promotes healthy weight loss and a feeling of well-being. Patients tell us they feel better, look better and are happy with their success. We have seen them through the health risks associated with excess weight, the medical recommendations, the specific protocols, and have encouraged them [...]

2013-01-19T18:52:06-08:00By |BLOG, GET MOTIVATED|

Granite Bay View Article Jan. 2013

Hendricks can help in fight to lose pounds.  Weight management clinic can be the coach in your corner! BY EILEEN WILSON A new year, another New Year’s resolution. Seems like most of us make reso- lutions that in some way, shape or form, involve our weight or the foods we eat. Some resolve to drop 10 pounds, [...]

Change Your Direction!

Did your diet take a wrong turn this holiday season? We know the holidays pose a tough challenge when you're trying to lose weight.  But a diet detour doesn't mean a weight loss disaster.  Ditch the guilt and return to what works - our program!   Steer yourself back on a healthier path.  Call us [...]

Dr. Hendricks Appointed to FDA Drug Advisory Panel

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has appointed Ed J. Hendricks, M.D., a Sacramento-area obesity treatment specialist, to the FDA Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drug Advisory Committee (EMDAC). The EMDAC is the FDA-selected panel of experts that reviews new drugs for treating obesity, advising the FDA if these drugs should be approved. Dr. Hendricks, who has [...]

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