
Piper Had Type 2 Diabetes

When Piper came to us, she had Type 2 Diabetes and was on an assortment of diabetes medication. Well, we are pleased to share Pipe is no longer needing to take her diabetes medication because of her tremendous transformation! Read patient Piper’s success tips and how she has adopted these techniques into her [...]

BACKGROUND ON Our Clinical Research

The concept of using a medicine to treat obesity began a hundred years ago and some of the compounds tried before World War II had some truly awful side effects so it was inevitable that controversy arose when the newly created FDA approved an amphetamine for treating obesity in 1944. At the time the American [...]

Did You Know? by Paula Hendricks – Spring 2013

Portion control will greatly improve your chances for successful weight control. Everything is big in America: cars, houses, malls, grocery stores, packaging, purses, and food servings. And we want it big!  Look at the attached apple photo and notice the two normal-sized apples on the side of the large apple in the middle?  Americans have [...]

2020-01-10T18:27:14-08:00By |BLOG, FROM THE EXPERTS|

Cassie Lost Over 50lbs and Seven Dress Sizes

That was the post I wrote on Facebook the first day I started my diet journey in August 2011.  I was scared. I was afraid that I would fail like all the other times I have tried in my attempts to lose weight. In June of 2011, I lost my mother who lived in Kentucky [...]


Ready to Kick-Start your Metabolism into High Gear for Spring and Get those Extra Pounds OFF?  Ready to Learn some Healthy Eating Habits for You and Your Family?  If your answer is YES, you are Ready to Make the Call to The Experts at Hendricks For Health!  Dr. Hendricks is a World-Renowned Physician in the [...]

2020-01-10T18:31:30-08:00By |BLOG, GET MOTIVATED|
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