
Nutrition Counseling

Want to maximize your weight loss, maintain your weight or simply learn about making better eating choices for your health and wellness? Our Certified Nutritionist will meet with you one-on-one to assess your current diet, recommendations for diet change, and provide meal planning to help you reach your nutrition goals. Cost: New Patient Nutrition Consult, [...]

Loyalty Rewards Are Here!

  Everyone Loves Rewards! Have you received your LOYALTY REWARDS CARD yet? Come in and pick one up today. Be Loyal to Your Health! Accumulate reward 'HEARTS' for every $25 spent on products in a single in-store transaction.  Once your card is filled, redeem it towards your next product purchase.

2016-09-13T15:29:48-07:00By |BLOG|

Learn how our patient reversed her diabetes.

If you want to learn more about how YOU can reverse or manage YOUR diabetes, set up a complimentary consultation today. In June 2016, Dr. Hendricks and our patient Piper co-authored a published article discussing how Hendricks for Health helped her reverse diabetes and taught her how to live a healthier lifestyle. Read Pharmacotherapy for Obesity and [...]

Aubergine – The Other Edible Egg

This beautiful egg-shaped plant with its vibrant, purple skin is most commonly known as the eggplant in the US but I prefer the name Aubergine, a more elegant term for the delicious and nutritious vegetable. For those of you who are trying to reduce your intake of grains and take a more whole foods approach [...]

2020-01-10T17:37:27-08:00By |BLOG, Healthy Eating, RECIPES|

How to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Did you know that Alzheimer's disease cannot be cured once diagnosed, but the risk of developing this mind-robbing disease  in the future may depend on what you decide to do today? Alzheimer's disease, the most frequent form of dementia, is a devastating neurological disorder that slowly destroys the ability to think and eventually robs a [...]

2016-07-05T15:09:15-07:00By |BLOG|

Piper Had Type 2 Diabetes

When Piper came to us, she had Type 2 Diabetes and was on an assortment of diabetes medication. Well, we are pleased to share Pipe is no longer needing to take her diabetes medication because of her tremendous transformation! Read patient Piper’s success tips and how she has adopted these techniques into her [...]

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